
Most publications are available by clicking on the title below.  Please e-mail me for a pdf of papers not available this way.

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List of publications (in reverse chronological order)

* = graduate student authors, ** = undergraduate authors, # postdoctoral fellow authors

Pre-print posted: K.M. Murray-Stoker and S.J. McCauley. Assessing molecular phylogenetics of Hydrotilidae (Trichoptera) subfamily lineages, with notes on biogeography.  Posted in BioRxiv, September 23, 2023.

57. *Ferzoco, I.M.C., and S.J. McCauley. Biodiversity responses in urban stormwater management ponds: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment Volume 942, 10 September 2024, 173467

56. Marcellino, B.J.L., P. Yee, S.J. McCauley, and R.L. Murray. 2024. Too hot to handle: Male dragonflies decrease mating behaviour at higher temperatures. Animal Behaviour 207, 109-118.

55. *Murray-Stoker, K.M. and S.J. McCauley.  2023. The Caddisfly collective: Methods of assessing Trichoptera diversity on a continental scale with community scientists. Contributions to Entomology 73 (2), 151-160.

54. *Ferzoco, IMC, K. *Murray-Stoker, L. Hasan**, C.M. Javier**, V. Modi**, R. Singh**, G. Tjan**, O. Toth**, and S.J.McCauley. 2023. Freshwater insect communities in urban environments around the globe: A review of the state of the field. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1174166. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1174166.

53. *Ferzoco, I.M.C. and S.J. McCauley. 2023. Breaking down the components of the competition-colonization trade-off: new insights into its role in diverse systems. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 352-366.

52. McCauley, S.J., C.B. Baines, and K.E. Mabry. 2022. Dispersal and metapopulation biology in Odonata. In: ‘Dragonflies and Damselflies: Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research 2e’, edited by Alex Cordoba-Aguilar, Christopher Beatty, and Jason Bried

51. Bried, J.T., Alves-Martins, F., Brasil, L.S., and S.J. McCauley. 2022. Metacommunity concepts, approaches, and directions with Odonata. In: ‘Dragonflies and Damselflies: Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research 2e’, edited by Alex Cordoba-Aguilar, Christopher Beatty, and Jason Bried

50. *Martin, R.L. and S.J. McCauley. 2021.  Risks for overwintering eggs of the dragonfly Sympetrum vicinum in aquatic and terrestrial environments.   Hydrobiologia 848, 4933–4944.

49. **Leite, L.M.S.N., S.K. French*, C.A. Searcy#, S.J. McCauley.  2021. Forest edges and their effects on the arrival of dragonflies at north-temperate experimental ponds. International Journal of Odonatology, 24.2021, 38–50

48. *Baines, C.B., J.M.J. Travis, S.J. McCauley, and G. Bocedi. 2020. Negative density-dependent dispersal emerges from the joint evolution of density- and body condition-dependent dispersal strategies.  Evolution 74 (10): 2238–2249

47. *Frances, D.N., C. R. Fitzpatrick, J. Koprivnikar, and S.J. McCauley.  2020. Effects of inferred gender on patterns of co-authorship in ecology and evolutionary biology publications. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101 (3): e01705.

46. *Baines, C.B., S. Diab**, and S.J. McCauley. 2020. Parasitism risk and infection alter host dispersal. American Naturalist 196(2): 119-131.

45. *Start, D. and S.J. McCauley. 2020. Gender underlies the formation of STEM research groups. Ecology and Evolution

44. Murray#, R.L., S. Tah**, J. Koprivnikar, L. Rowe, and S.J. McCauley. 2020. Exposure to potentially cannibalistic conspecifics induces an increased immune response. Ecological Entomology 45: 355 – 363. [pdf of accepted version]

43. **Mangahas, R.S., R.L. Murray#, and S.J. McCauley. 2019. Chronic exposure to high concentrations of road salt decreases the immune response of dragonfly larvae.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution – Conservation 7:376 Note: Mangahas and Murray are joint first authors

42. S.K. French* and S.J. McCauley. 2019. The movement responses of three libellulid dragonfly species to open and closed landscape cover. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 12(5): 437-447.

41. C.B. Baines*, I.M.C. Ferzoco*, and S.J. McCauley. 2019. Phenotype-by-environment interactions influence dispersal. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88 (8) 1263-1274.

40. **Ferzoco, I.M.C., C.B. Baines*, and S.J. McCauley. 2019. Co-occurring Notonecta (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Notonectidae) species differ in their behavioral response to cues of Belostoma (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) predation risk.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 112 (4) 402-408. [pdf of accepted version]

39. *Baines, C.B. and S.J. McCauley. 2018. Natal habitat conditions have carryover effects on dispersal capacity and behavior.  Ecosphere 9(10): Article e02465.

38. Searcy#, C. A., B. Gilbert, M. Krkosek, L. Rowe, and S. J. McCauley. 2018. Positive correlation between dispersal and body size in green frogs (Rana clamitans) naturally colonizing an experimental landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96(12): 1378-1384.

*Start, D. S.J. McCauley, and B. Gilbert. 2018. Physiology underlies the assembly of ecological communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  NOTE: This paper (Start et al. 2018) has been retracted please do not cite this paper.

37. *Frances, D.N, and S.J. McCauley. 2018. Warming drives higher rates of prey consumption and increases rates of intraguild predation. Oecologia 187(3): 585-596.

36. *French, S.K. and S.J. McCauley. 2018. Canopy cover affects habitat selection by adult dragonflies.  Hydrobiologia, 818: 129-143.

35. McCauley, S.J., J.I. Hammond, and K.E. Mabry. 2018. Simulated climate change increases larval mortality, alters phenology, and affects flight morphology of a dragonfly. Ecophere 9(3): Article e02151.

34. Renault, D., M. Laparie, S.J. McCauley, and D. Bonte. 2018. Environmental adaptations, ecological filtering, and dispersal central to insect invasions.  Annual Review of Entomology, 63:345-368

33. *Baines, C.B., I.M. Ferzoco** and S.J. McCauley. 2017. Sex-biased dispersal is independent of sex ratio in a semi-aquatic insect. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71: 119.

32. *Frances, D.N, J.Y. Moon**, and S.J. McCauley. 2017. Effects of environmental warming during early-life history on libellulid odonates.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 95(6): 373-382.

31. **Catania, S.V.L., J. Koprivnikar, and S.J. McCauley. 2016. Size-dependent predation alters interactions between parasites and predators. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 631-635.

30. **Duong T.M. and S.J. McCauley. 2016. The effects of non-consumptive predation stress on immune response in a larval libellulid dragonfly.  Ecology 27(6): 1605 – 1610. [pdf]

29. **Catania, S.V.L. and S.J. McCauley. 2016. Evaluating the use of coded wire tags in individually marking odonate larvae. The Canadian Entomologist 148: 371-374.

28. **Chavez, M.Y., K.E. Mabry, S.J. McCauley, and J.I. Hammond. 2016. Differential larval responses of two ecologically similar insects (Odonata) to temperature and resource variation. International Journal of Odonatology 18(4): 297-304.

27. *Baines, C.B., S.J. McCauley, and L. Rowe. 2015. Dispersal depends on body condition and predation risk in the semi-aquatic insect, Notonecta undulata. Ecology & Evolution: 5(12): 2307-2316.

26. McCauley, S.J., Hammond, J.I., **Frances, D.N., and Mabry, K.E. 2015. Effects of experimental warming on survival, phenology and morphology of an aquatic insect (Odonata).  Ecological Entomology: 40(3): 211-220, DOI 10.1111/een.12175.

25. *Hall, A.M., S.J. McCauley, and M-J. Fortin.  2015.  Recreational boating, landscape configuration, and local habitat structure as drivers as drivers of odonate community composition in an island setting. Insect Conservation and Diversity 8: 31-42 (doi: 10.1111/icad.120.80).

24.  **Baines, C.B., McCauley, S.J., & Rowe, L. 2014. The interactive effects of competition and predation risk on dispersal in an insect. Biology Letters, 10. (doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2014.0287).

23. Werner, E.E., Davis, C.J., Skelly, D.K., Relyea, R.A., Benard, M.F., McCauley, and S.J. 2014. Cross-scale interactions and the distribution-abundance relationship.  PLOS ONE: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097387.

22. McCauley, S.J., C.J. Davis, E.E. Werner, and M.S. Robeson II.  2014. Dispersal, niche breadth and population extinction:colonization ratios predict range size in North American dragonflies. Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 858-865 (doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12181).

21. Throop H.L., K.E. Mabry, S.J. McCauley, and K.D. Glazewski.  2013. A response to Lockwood, Reiners, and Reiners.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11: 525–526. (

20. McCauley, S.J.  2013.  Relationship between morphology, dispersal, and habitat distribution in three species of Libellula (Odonata: Anisoptera).  Aquatic Insects 34: 195-204.

19. McCauley, S.J. and K.E. Mabry.  2011. Climate change, body size, and phenotype     dependent dispersal.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution  26: 554-555

18.  McCauley, S.J., L. Rowe,and M-J. Fortin.  2011. The deadly effects of ‘non-lethal’ predators. Ecology 92: 2043-2048.

17. McCauley, S.J. and L. Rowe.  2010.  Notonecta exhibit threat-sensitive, predator-induced dispersal.  Biology Letters 6: 449-452

16. McCauley, S.J., T. Brodin, and J. Hammond.  2010. Foraging rates of larval dragonfly colonists are positively related to habitat isolation: results from a landscape-level experiment.  American Naturalist 173: E66-E73.

15. McCauley, S.J.  2010.  Body size and social dominance influence breeding dispersal in male Pachydiplax longipennis (Odonata).  Ecological Entomology 35: 377-385.

14. McCauley, S.J., C.J. Davis, J. Nystrom, and E.E. Werner.  2009. A hump-shaped relationship between isolation and abundance of Notonecta irrorata colonists in aquatic mesocosms.  Ecology 90: 2635-2641.

13. Benard*, M.F. and S.J. McCauley*. 2008.  Integrating across life-history stages: consequences of natal habitat effects on dispersal.  American Naturalist 171: 553-567. *both authors contributed equally to this work (randomly determined author order)

12. McCauley, S.J., C.J. Davis, R.A. Relyea, K.L. Yurewicz, D.K. Skelly, and E.E. Werner.  2008. Metacommunity patterns in larval odonates. Oecologia 158: 329-342.

11. McCauley, S.J., C.J. Davis, and E.E. Werner.  2008.  Predator induction of spine length in larval Leucorrhinia intacta (Odonata).  Evolutionary Ecology Research 10: 435-447.

10. McCauley, S.J. 2008.  Slow, fast, and in between: habitat distribution and behaviour of larvae in nine species of libellulid dragonfly.  Freshwater Biology 53: 253-263

9. McCauley, S.J.  2007. The role of local and regional processes in structuring larval dragonfly distributions across habitat gradients.  Oikos 116 (1): 121-133.

8. Boyce, W.M., S.P. Lawler, J. Schultz, S. McCauley, L. Kimsey, M. Niemala, W. Reisen, C. Nelson, and D. Brown. 2007.  Nontarget effects of the mosquito adulticide pyrethrin applied aerially during a West Nile virus outbreak in an urban California environment.  Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 23: 335-339

7. McCauley, S.J. and K. E. Wehrly.  2007.  Zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, attachment to Odonata larvae.  Odonatologica 36(1): 63-69.

6. McCauley, S.J.  2006.  The effects of dispersal and recruitment limitation on community structure of odonates in artificial ponds.  Ecography, 29(4): 585-595.

5. McCauley, S.J. 2005.  Relationship between habitat distribution, growth rate, and plasticity in congeneric larval dragonflies.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 83: 1128-1133.

4. McCauley, S.J.  2005.  Differential dispersal propensities between individuals in male Leucorrhinia intacta (Hagen).  International Journal of Odonatology, 8(2): 223-232.

3. McCauley, S.J., S.S. Bouchard, B.J. Farina, K. Isvaran, S. Quader, D. W. Wood, and C. M. St. Mary.  2000.  Energetic dynamics and anuran breeding phenology: insights from a dynamic game.  Behavioral Ecology, 11(4): 429-436.

2. McCauley, S.J. and K.A. Bjorndal.  1999.  Response to dietary dilution in an omnivorous freshwater turtle: implications for ontogenetic dietary shifts.  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 72(1): 101-108.

1. McCauley, S.J. and K.A. Bjorndal.  1999.  Assessing the effects of anthropogenic debris ingestion on juvenile sea turtles.  Conservation Biology, 13(4): 925-929.