There have been a number of great things happening in the lab and I have been slow in posting on them so here goes.
Congratulations to Chris Searcy who will be starting as an Assistant Professor at the University of Miami in January!
Congratulations to Sarah French who passed her appraisal and has advanced to candidacy!
Congratulations to Maria Chavez, an undergraduate from Karen Mabry’s lab working on our California project, who has had her first paper “Differential larval responses of two ecologically similar insects (Odonata) to temperature and resource variation” (authors: Chavez, Mabry, McCauley, Hammond) at the International Journal of Odonatology and who is starting her master’s at the University of Wisconsin – Madison working on odonates as predators of pests in cranberry bogs.
Finally congratulations to the whole lab for an excellent set of presentations at ESA this year – well done!