Two paper from on-going collaborations have been recently accepted. The first, on which EEB graduate student Aaron Hall is lead author, is from research in the Georgian Bay. This paper “Recreational boating, landscape configuration, and local habitat structure as drivers of odonate community composition in an island setting” (authors: Hall, McCauley, and Fortin) will appear in the journal Insect Conservation and Diversity. Well done Aaron!
The second from the long-term survey of the freshwater communities of the E.S. George Reserve, is “Cross-scale interactions and the distribution-abundance relationship” which uses inter-specific contrasts and long-term intraspecific patterns in habitat occupancy and abundance to disentangle the forces underlying the positive abundance-occupancy relationship seen across multiple systems. This paper (authors: Werner, Davis, Skelly, Relyea, Benard, McCauley) will appear in PLOS One.